Fintech Email Onboarding: ¿Está haciendo todo lo que puede con su Campaigns?

Fintech Email Onboarding: ¿Está haciendo todo lo que puede con su Campaigns?

Fintech Email Onboarding: ¿Está haciendo todo lo que puede con su Campaigns?

Jun 3, 2019

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FinTech Email Onboarding: Are You Doing All You Can With Your Campaigns?

There’s no denying that financial technology – fintech – is booming these days.

Just last year, múltiples empresas fintech added billions in both revenue and funding, and analysts are nothing but positive about the future. With their high growth potential and investors’ hunger for disruptive innovation, Goldman Sachs estimaciones that fintech startups will swipe 4,7 billones de dólares de ingresos y 450.000 millones de beneficios from traditional financial services companies.

There’s no denying the future looks bright. But even as they take off, they face many of the same challenges as their unsexy brethren when it comes to marketing and growth. Like how to optimize their use of email, especialmente when it comes to mounting successful onboarding campaigns.

As fintech provider La raya explica, welcome emails are important. So important, in fact, that they can drive tres veces the transaction and revenue per email than other promotional emails. That’s a substantial chunk of future revenue, so maximizing onboarding is vital.

Teniendo esto en cuenta, veamos algunos de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan las empresas de tecnología financiera a la hora de realizar el onboarding, y las mejores prácticas que pueden ayudar a los correos electrónicos de onboarding a superarlos.

¡Mételos por goteo!

Onboarding shouldn’t just be a one-shot email drop, especialmente if you’re trying to acclimate a new user to using a fintech solution’s features (and making upgrades). A classic example from the brick-and-mortar banking world that still proves a good point: Armed Forces Bank elected to experiment with doing una serie de correos electrónicos de incorporación, six in all, in lieu of just one.

When they sent out the series with timing that accommodated the schedules of their customers – military servicepeople – they saw a Elevación del 40 in new savings accounts, versus those who only got a single onboarding email. And these customers also increased their account balances and kept more of them open.

Este enfoque de incorporación "por goteo" también funcionará en la tecnología financiera. ¿Por qué? Porque estás construyendo gradualmente una relación con el usuario y mostrando respeto por su vida y sus exigencias. Ganarse ese respeto te da la oportunidad de enviarles más mensajes.

¿Cuál es la lección? Ampliar el mensaje y hacer crecer gradualmente la relación con los usuarios puede generar resultados empresariales más sólidos que un único correo electrónico.

That’s why fintechs like PayPal make onboarding a journey, not a blip, as you can see in the select emails below. Each new message puts extra reasons to use PayPal in front of the user, educating over time instead of overwhelming all at once.

Be sensitive and authentic

No es ningún secreto que las finanzas pueden ser un tema delicado para mucha gente.

According to a encuesta reciente of over 1,000 U.S. adults, 85% of us are sometimes stressed about money, while a whopping 30% of Americans admit they’re constantemente stressed about money. You’d think they’d jump at any chance of alleviating this stress. But the truth is more nuanced.

Según Wells Fargo, el 44% de los estadounidenses considera que las finanzas personales son el tema más difícil de tratar con los demás. Con tanta emoción e inseguridad asociadas a la propia palabra "finanzas", puede ser difícil para un vendedor causar una buena primera impresión.

Por lo tanto, lo primero que hay que hacer es que el destinatario se sienta cómodo con el mensaje. Al redactar el correo electrónico de bienvenida, es importante tener en cuenta estas sensibilidades. Expresar tu agradecimiento por haberte dado de alta es lo primero, pero evita ponerte sentimental o empalagoso.

If they’ve signed on with you, they probably responded to branding and key messages that you ought to follow through on. GoBank takes a wry, cut-to-the-chase approach with the thank-you message below, which aligns with their positioning as the oh-so-friendly provider who’s going to defeat fears about how to manage your money by making banking ¡diversión! ¡Bienvenidos a la fiesta!

Hágalo cercano

Aunque pueda ser una idea equivocada, mucha gente ve "finanzas" como sinónimo de "aburrido" y "complicado". Es tu trabajo demostrar lo contrario.

Technical jargon and detailed explanations can exhaust the reader, or drive them to simply delete your email and move on. Or, worse yet, force a change of heart as they consign you a la Spam folder and delete the app. While it may be tough, coming up with formas creativas to make the onboarding experience energizing and motivating, not deadly dull, are critical.

Take another look en el GoBank example above. Or this Facebook ad by Wealthsimple. While it’s not an email, the idea is the same – they’re targeting by customer segment.

En ads feature an influencer from a popular TV show, but with an angle that’s relatable and appealing for its intended audience. It’s built around a personal anecdote the target can understand, not any kind of a hard sell.

Hazlo visual

Another good way to stand out from the crowd? Including images in your emails that give your reader a graphic idea of what they’re signing up for. El 65% de la población es visual, so it’s worth playing to this.

En lugar de comunicar a través de textos, ofrezca imágenes que cuenten la historia: por ejemplo, un recorrido visual sobre cómo utilizar su aplicación. Esto es especialmente importante si tenemos en cuenta que más de la mitad de nosotros accedemos a nuestro correo electrónico a través de dispositivos móviles. Contar una historia a través de un buen diseño gráfico debería tener prioridad sobre los textos que los usuarios no tienen tiempo ni ganas de leer.

This clean and simple-to-understand email from ExpenseIt does exactly that, and its own clarity reminds them why they wanted the app in the first place: Because of its ease of use.

Excite them principios de about using the product

Stoke their principios de enthusiasm for your product by building a few principios de – and surprising – messages into your onboarding flow that spotlight the product’s functionality. Send a hearty “congratulations!” when they first try out a new feature, for instance, and add pageantry and flair to even your most mundane, baseline functions. In short, the gamificación that makes apps appealing to users should extend into your emails.

See what Karma de crédito does in the notification below? As a user, por supuesto you’re using the platform to keep track of – and improve, one hopes – your credit score. Credit Karma makes a big deal out of the fact the user’s score has gone up with this triggered alert, and drives them to check to see whether or not they can get a loan approval for that superyacht (actually, a 2016 Camry) they’ve got their eye on.

Another version of this tactic? Send them actual rewards for using features, like FREE! upgrades or promotional incentives. Remember, you want them as totalmente comprometido as possible as early and a menudo as possible.

Recuérdales que se les echa de menos

If there’s a hiccup in their onboarding flow, or they stop using your product, nunca let them go without a winback message of some sort. It nunca hurts to send them a gentle, or funny, or even urgent reminder that they’re a valued user and you’d love to see them back in the fold, as Simple did in the message below.

Menta are experts at onboarding, and their re-engagement message to delinquent users is no exception. En subject line it uses? “We miss you already.” Nothing like tugging en el heartstrings while also reminding people of the pragmática reasons they were interested in you in the first place.

Y si todo lo demás falla, existe otra zanahoria que puedes ofrecer: incentivos para que vuelvan en forma de descuentos, mejoras gratuitas u otros señuelos.

Embarque más eficaz

Email is a powerful component in the onboarding flow, and a natural complement to in-app notifications and SMS messaging. The best practices we’ve just walked through are just piedras angulares for a more customized, fine-tuned approach to building strong bonds with a user base.

Sin embargo, es esencial que el bloqueo y el ataque sean correctos. Solo entonces puede una empresa de marketing de tecnología financiera prepararse para un mayor éxito optimizando el futuro campaigns.

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