Voorwaarden WhatsApp Tech Provider

See Section 19.2 of our Product Specific Terms here.

  1. Customer may facilitate its clients’ (“Eindklanten”) access to our WhatsApp Service subject naar de following terms:

  1. De Klant is verantwoordelijk voor de betaling van vergoedingen zoals uiteengezet in de Overeenkomst, met inbegrip van maar niet beperkt tot vergoedingen die toerekenbaar zijn aan de toegang en het gebruik van de WhatsApp Service door Eindklanten, ongeacht of de Klant betalingen ontvangt van zijn Eindklanten voor de WhatsApp Services.

  2. Without limiting or affecting (d) below, Customer is  responsible for offering customer support services to End Customers and for all matters and liabilities related naar de use of the WhatsApp Services by End Customers.

  3. Customer shall procure that End Customers shall be bound by our Algemene voorwaarden and Conditions at bird.com/juridisch/voorwaarden as an agreement between the End Customers and us (the “General Terms”).  Customer is required to communicate to its End Customers that (i) the General Terms with us applies to the End Customer and to their use of the WhatsApp Services, and (ii) by using the WhatsApp Services, the End Customer accepts to be bound by the General Terms. If Customer has not at any time ensured that End Customer has explicitly accepted the  General Terms, Customer represents and warrants that Customer has accepted the General Terms on behalf of the End Customer, and that Customer has authority to accept such requirements on behalf of the End Customer and bind the End Customer to the General Terms. Subject to the foregoing requirements, Customer is not authorised to create any direct liability or obligations on our behalf to End Customers and their end users.

  4. Customer is required to share and provide accurate details of each End Customer where and as requested by us, Meta, and/or WhatsApp. 

  5. Een schending van deze clausule vormt een wezenlijke schending in de zin van de Overeenkomst die ons, onder andere, het recht geeft om de Overeenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang te beëindigen of op te schorten zonder dat wij gehouden zijn tot enige compensatie, terugbetaling, schadeloosstelling of aansprakelijkheid.

For the avoidance of doubt, the term “WhatsApp” means WhatsApp Inc, WhatsApp Ireland Limited, Meta Platforms Ireland Limited or Meta Platforms, Inc  (as applicable) and any successors thereto in respect of the WhatsApp Services from time to time.

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Your new standard in Marketing, Pay & Sales. It's Bird

De right message -> to the right person -> aan de right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Privacyverklaring.