Hur flödar ett e-postmeddelande från sändning till leverans?

Hur flödar ett e-postmeddelande från sändning till leverans?

How Does an E-post Message Flow from Sending to Delivery?

An email passes through multiple servers that help ensure it arrives vid right place. That email message flow uses a systematic process based on a number of long-established technical standards.

Förstå flödet av e-postmeddelanden, från sändning till leverans

For most users, how an email message flows from the sender to a recipient’s inbox is something that happens behind the scenes. When an individual or an organization sends an email, the message travels from its point of origination, such as an email client where it was composed, across the Internet to its destination. Along the way, it passes through multiple servers that help ensure it arrives at the right place. That email message flow uses a systematic process based on a number of long-established technical standards.

Hur fungerar ett e-postmeddelande?

Email has been around since the 1960s, when the creators of nascent computer networks began devising ways to send messages to each other. In those early days, users were limited to communicating only with others on the same shared mainframe system. However, the adoption of standard protocols and the interconnection of systems into the shared network we now know as the Internet allowed different mail systems to “talk” to each other.

It’s these standards that allow us to send email messages to virtually anyone. When someone sends an email message, it flows through a series of steps to reach its destination.

  • När en person skriver ett meddelande görs det vanligtvis i en e-postklient som Outlook eller Apple Mail - eller i en webbaserad tjänst som Gmail.

  • However, when the message is a e-post för transaktioner like a shipping notice or a password reset, the message is created automatically by those systems, usually using an email API. (Marketing messages are generated by automated systems as well, although usually in large batches, rather than one at a time like transactional messages.)

  • In both cases, whether the message is created by an email client or by an automated system, it is specially formatted to be transmitted over the Internet using a standard called “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol” (SMTP).

  • Den sender’s mail server (technically called a “Mail Transfer Agent,” or MTA) looks up the “” portion of the recipient’s email address in a Domain Name System (DNS) server to determine which destination mail server (referred to as a “Mail Exchanger,” or MX) it should contact to deliver the message.

  • Den sending and receiving servers communicate using the SMTP protocol. The receiving server accepts the message so that it can be delivered to the recipient.

  • The recipient’s email client retrieves the message using standards like the Post Office Protocol (POP) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) to download the message so it can be read.

Hur laddar e-postklienter ner ett meddelande?

Web-based email services like Gmail or Hotmail/ use their own internal protocols to manage email. But when recipients use a stand-alone email client on a phone or desktop computer, that software uses standard protocols to download messages from mail servers.

När mottagaren använder POP levererar servern alla nya e-postmeddelanden till dem och behåller endast kopior av dem om ett alternativ i e-postklienten är markerat, i förekommande fall. Om servern inte har några kopior av e-postmeddelandena och mottagaren drabbas av en maskinvaruförlust eller ett maskinvarufel är meddelandena borta för alltid, såvida inte avsändarna har kopior av dem.

När mottagaren använder IMAP synkroniserar servern innehållet i brevlådan, inklusive skickade objekt och andra mappar, till varje enhet som ansluter till den. Meddelandena ligger kvar på servern och när statusen för ett meddelande ändras (t.ex. läses eller raderas) sprids ändringen till alla enheter när de ansluter igen.

Möjligheten att lagra och synkronisera meddelanden på flera enheter är anledningen till att de flesta e-posttjänster idag använder IMAP istället för POP.

Läs mer about Flöde av e-postmeddelanden

Email involves many different steps and systems. You can learn more about the inner workings of email delivery with these resources:

  • Email: This Wikipedia article delves into the history of email as well as its many technical details. It links out to several supporting articles that flesh out the main subject.

  • Email API: Learn more about how e-commerce and other systems can generate transactional email very efficiently.

  • E-postleverans i molnet: Learn more about how systems the SparkPost email delivery service work to make large-scale email transmission and delivery practical.

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