Heracles mengadopsi channels favorit para penggemar dan mencetak tingkat keterlibatan 95% di WhatsApp

Heracles adopts fans’ favorite channels and scores a 95% engagement rate on WhatsApp


Flow Builder


Heracles Almelo has rapidly expanded their use of the platform to launch new channels, build their fan database and increase engagement using WhatsApp, Voice and automation.




Produk yang digunakan

Flow Builder



tarif terbuka di WhatsApp


keikutsertaan baru yang dicapai pada email dan WhatsApp


Penggemar yang terlibat dengan panggilan pemain otomatis

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Heracles Almelo adalah sebuah klub sepak bola profesional Belanda yang berbasis di Almelo. Dibentuk pada tahun 1903, Heracles saat ini berkompetisi di kasta kedua Belanda dan sedang berjuang untuk kembali ke liga tertinggi Belanda, 'De Eredivisie'. Stadion kandang berkapasitas 12.080 penggemar, termasuk 500 kursi penggemar tamu, dan 1.700 kursi bisnis. Heracles Almelo (bermitra dengan Adwise) telah menggunakan MessageBird untuk mengembangkan pemasaran interaktif campaigns sejak musim panas 2022 dan telah dengan cepat memperluas penggunaan platform untuk meluncurkan channels baru, membangun basis data penggemar dan meningkatkan keterlibatan menggunakan WhatsApp, Suara, dan otomatisasi.


Heracles Almelo mencari cara baru untuk engage dengan para penggemar untuk mendorong penjualan tiket musiman dan tiket pertandingan individu. Klub secara tradisional menggunakan email dan media sosial untuk menjangkau para penggemar, tetapi untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak antusiasme, mereka ingin berbicara dengan para penggemar baru dan yang sudah ada di channels. Dengan beralihnya seluruh pengalaman penggemar ke perangkat seluler, penting bagi mereka untuk memperbarui basis data pelanggan mereka dengan lebih banyak informasi tentang percakapan yang disukai dan channels pribadi seperti WhatsApp dan Voice.

Tujuan utama Heracles Almelo adalah untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan dengan pelanggan melalui beberapa channels untuk mendorong penjualan tiket. Mereka menghadapi beberapa tantangan utama dalam mencapai tujuan ini:

  • Keikutsertaan yang rendah: While opt-in rates for email were good, in order to reach fans on new conversational channels, Heracles needed to build their database of opted-in fans.

  • Jumlah channels yang dapat dimanfaatkan: Seasonal ticket renewals were critical to Heracles and they wanted to expand their channels beyond email. Heracles' goal was to convert at least the existing 6,400 fans into season ticket holders by using an omnichannel strategy.

  • Meningkatkan data preferensi saluran: Heracles knew there was potential to reach their fans on new channels, but had limited data to tell them what channels would perform best with their audience.


Heracles partnered with Adwise, a full-service digital agency, who recommended Bird, a global leader in omnichannel communications, to craft the vision for fan engagement and multichannel campaigns. Bird and Adwise recommended that Heracles use WhatsApp and Voice for fan engagement campaigns to deliver hyper-personalized and engaging messages from players on conversational channels that have high usage and open rates with Heracles’ fan base.

Adwise and Bird worked together to implement Bird’s automation solution, Flow Builder, Inbox, and two-way WhatsApp, and Voice channels to build a new communication strategy for Heracles.‍

Mengotomatiskan panggilan suara dengan suara pemain

Heracles used Bird’s Voice channel and built customer engagement journeys using Flow Builder,  to send supporters an automated telephone call from one of their favorite Heracles football players thanking them for their season ticket renewal and support. MessageBird’s Voice API allowed Heracles to make, receive, and monitor voice calls from a Bird voice-enabled virtual mobile number, to and from any country around the world. Using Bird’s voice automation meant that the club no longer had to manually call customers, instead they could spend time optimizing their campaigns and tracking engagement.

Berbagi konten penggemar yang interaktif dan dipersonalisasi melalui WhatsApp

It was important for Heracles to reach fans on the highest performing channels. On average, WhatsApp has a 75% read rate and 15% click-through rate - which meant that Heracles could increase real-time fan engagement by communicating on the platform their fans use most.  Bird’s WhatsApp API helped Heracles send campaigns at scale with interactive content like personalized messages and videos from players. Fans were encouraged to forward the message to their friends on WhatsApp, which helped the campaign go viral beyond the initial target audience.

Tingkatkan Keterlibatan Penggemar

Heracles wanted to create social buzz with their messaging, and while they had a sound email open rate (+10% above the industry average), it wasn’t generating real-time excitement among their fan base. Using conversational channels like WhatsApp and Voice meant the club could be more effective at reaching fans, creating buzz and getting fans to opt-in through marketing that felt more personal. Using the voice of players made the campaign personal and interactive which created hype that spread across social media as fans commented ‘who called you?’ These replies helped the club better understand the engagement of the campaign and interest in real-time.‍



Kolaborasi erat antara Heracles Almelo, Adwise dan Bird memungkinkan klub untuk dengan cepat dan mudah membangun campaigns yang mengubah para penggemar di seluruh channels. Meluncurkan WhatsApp dan Voice sebagai komunikasi penggemar tambahan channels membantu Heracles meningkatkan jangkauan basis penggemar, cakupan keikutsertaan, dan engage dengan audiens yang lebih besar. Menggunakan WhatsApp dan menambahkan konten interaktif seperti video dan pesan yang dipersonalisasi dari para pemain mendorong para penggemar untuk engage lebih dekat dengan merek tersebut, yang berujung pada peningkatan jumlah penggemar yang memperbarui tiket musiman mereka atau meng-upgrade tempat duduk mereka. Heracles kini berada di posisi tertinggi sepanjang masa dalam hal penjualan tiket musiman.‍

  • Lebih dari 3.000 peserta baru. Combining social, email, and WhatsApp to drive opt-ins meant Heracles could increase their database with rich first-party data which went beyond email - giving the team the ability to message on mobile channels like WhatsApp and Voice.

  • 98% tingkat keterbukaan di WhatsApp. Connecting with users on their preferred channels meant an increased ROI from each campaign.

  • +50% penggemar menjawab panggilan pemutar otomatis. Fans loved hearing from players and excitement over player calls carried over into more engagement on WhatsApp and social media.  ‍To learn more about what's possible with Bird, and to see how we’ve helped other organizations, check out our cerita pelanggan page.

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